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Sunday, December 30, 2012

If wished "Doomsday Technology 'Happened in the Year 2012

If wished "Doomsday Technology 'Happened in the Year 2012

Solar Storm vs magnetosphere Earth (NASA)
The year 2012 seems to be the year of the "most anticipated" by a group of people. Long ago (exactly does the way in) a lot of things that are associated with 2012. The Mayan calendar, Zecharia Sitchin, Nancy Lieder, are some of the names associated with 2012. Oh yes, one more, the storm the sun!
That said, the storm the sun will strike the Earth in the year 2012 and will be the things that are not desirable. Wow, that sounds terrible! But is it true? I do not know, in 2012 we have not yet. Should we believe bad things will happen in 2012? Depending on how and for what we believe.

Since Richard Carrington discovered sunspots in 1859 that produced the biggest solar storm in history and a very bright aurora, the study of phenomena on the Sun continues. As study after study, scientists later discovered that the Sun has an activity that one of them is this solar storm. The sun has a cycle of activity in the range of 11 years. According to estimates this cycle will come back in the year 2012-2013. Dangerous are these activities?

Beautiful Aurora
Solar storms have effects to the Earth, it would have been. Terindahnya effect, yes, aurora. A beautiful light curtain formed at high latitude regions when charged particles from solar storms interacting with the atoms of nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere.
Other effects, this may well effect the "terrible" disruption of satellites and power grids on Earth. During a solar storm in 1859, the telegraph network was reported damaged. Similarly, when the solar storm occurred in 1989. Electricity networks and communication systems crippled for 9 hours in Quebec, Canada. Noted also other disorders, especially for satellite-based technology in 1994 and 2003.

Satellite communications MILSTAR (wikipedia)
Well, let's suppose a bad possibility. Not to make us desperate or broke, but rather to prepare and alert. If in the year 2012 doomsday technology comes true. Not only because of the storm the sun, but there may be other factors that influence. What would we do? Duh, but people are so attached to the present era of technology is not it? There's even a slogan related technology advances, better than lag behind wallet gadget. Once he said. A slogan which more or less describes the need for a technology.
Advances in technology does facilitate human affairs, although there are many issues behind it that makes it difficult. Behind the sophistication of satellite-based communications, there are other issues concerning space junk up there. Electricity has become the primary needs of people today, leaving the power-related issues. Fossil fuels are becoming depleted, which is still widely used power plants (although solar cells could overcome this problem). Or join the Japanese tsunami hit Fukushima nuclear power plant can be regarded as another emerging issue behind the convenience offered a technology.
Do we need anti-technology if so? Yeah, not really. In today's anti-technology makes us "missed the train". But we can slightly reduce dependence on technology. Besides getting used to, if power lines and disrupted communications cycle when the sun came also to slightly reduce the burden on our planet is increasingly aging.
The trick? Select the gathering in person, face to face, if sikon support than just say hello via phone. Or, turn off the lights when the turn of the year. Enjoy New Year's Eve in the silence and darkness of her reflection. Yes, it was counted, in addition to saving the Earth is also concerned.
Happy New Year!
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The past is history, today is a scratch, tomorrow is hope. Welcome to the new year 2013. Along with the memories gone, welcome hope. Goodbye memories, welcome hope.
Beautiful sunset, golden Splash submit, send a sign majesty, power, and glory. Although it was only an instant, gone ignored until night, a sign will arrive tomorrow. happy new year 2013 ... Best of luck always.

The sun slipped behind the hills, hide the memories alive, keep the sheet worn, welcoming younger days, soon right ahead. Welcome to the new year 2013 ... new hope and change.

For New Year Greetings 2013 with a simple format for his friends or co-workers that we know, with a simple language for various purposes can be spoken directly or transmitted through various media such as sms or ym and skype can use as below.

With humility and full of happiness
I congratulate the new year 2013
May our life colorful new year
Happy new year 2013, easy "life's brighter

The new year 2013 has arrived
Moga capable of movement from negative to positive
Sincerely I congratulate the new year 2013
Success is always with you

story with jokes have we passed, the problems we have to live, a year full of memories of us pass, then, the year that will lead us into the future will jalani.SELAMAT NEW YEAR 2013 ... may be the beginning of success and our success. .. keep smile on our face ...
Let us make ourselves as useful human beings ....

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

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Tuesday, December 18, 2012


How to display animated image in the corners of the blog. Sometimes to decorate your blog to appear more fresh then can put animated images in blog.Bisa placed at the top corners (left and right), bottom left and right corner, or any corner filled with funny pictures-panny.wkwkwk

To display funny pictures, just copy one script html below and insert it into the html gadget. This script is created using html code plus pictures from the site SweetIM.
And script examples can be seen below:


Script :











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Hovering Draughting Side Blog.

This time I will share a few ways I know of a number of the knowledge I have gained as well in cyberspace regarding Hovering Draughting Side Blog. Okay straight to how to make it:

1. Log in to Blogger.
2. Then click the [draft]> [Add Widgets].
3. Select widgets "HTML / JavaScript".
4. Copy and paste the code below:

Posisi under right :

Position Above right:

Position Bottom Left:

Position Top Left:

may be useful
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Monday, December 17, 2012

Verb as Head, Two Kind of Verb, Prepositional Phrase

1. Verb as Head
Verb as Head (kata kerja sebagai kata yang di jelaskan) adalah susunan perubahan yang mana kata kerja sebagai kata utama/pokok yang di jelaskan. Kita harus membuat perbedaan yang jelas tentang struktur tradisional yang mana biasanya susunan dalam kalimat yang memiliki Verb sebagai Head dan Verb yang berfungsi sebagai kata kerja asli dan sebagai pelengkap (complementation).



Contoh:  - Verb sebagai Head

He          P                                                     
(pada kalimat di atas Speak Fluently adalah structure of modification yang mana kata kerja (Speak) sebagai head dan (fluently) sebagai Modifier.
2. Verb as Modifier
a. Two kinds of Verbs
Ada dua jenis susunan  yang mana sebuah kata kerja mungkin di modifikasi oleh kata kerja. Kata kerja yang di modifikasi dapat berupa:
1.      present participle
Present participle adalah kata yang dibentuk dengan menambahkan suffix (akhiran) -ing pada base form dari verb (verb+ing). Kadang-kadang terjadi doubling pada konsonan di akhir kata kerja tersebut.
Contoh doubling pada konsonan:
  • run+ing —> running
  • swim+ing —> swimming
dalam bentuk verb-ing  (e.g. the children came running)
pada contoh diatas kata kerja yang di modifikasi (running) berkedudukan sebagai modifier, sedangkan (came) berkedudukan sebagai Head.

2.      kata kerja infinitive,
Infinitive adalah suatu verbal yang terdiri dari to dan bentuk simple dari verb (to+verb) dimana dapat berfungsi sebagai noun, adjective, atau adverb.
Verbal merupakan suatu kata yang dibentuk dari kata kerja, namun berfungsi sebagai part of speech lain. Verbal yang lain yaitu gerund dan participle. Seperti verbal lainnya, kata ini lebih umum untuk menamai action (aksi) atau state (keadaan).
Infinitive dapat disertai oleh object (noun, pronoun), modifier, atau object dan modifier (noun phrase) sehingga menjadi infinitive phrase.
an infinitive = to + the simple form of a verb (bentuk sederhana/kata kerja dasar  to see, to be, to go, etc).
E.g. he live to eat.
Pada kalimat di atas, To eat berfungsi sebagai Modifier, sedangkan live berkedudukan sebagai Head
            They came to scoff and remainded to pray
       Pada kalimat diatas, to scoff dan to pray  berfungsi sebagai modifier, sedangkan came   berkedudukan sebagai head.

3. Prepositional Phrase
Prepositional Phrase adalah suatu phrase yang terdiri dari preposisi (preposition) dan Object.
Preposition biasanya diikuti oleh object. Object of prepositions (objek dari kata depan) tersebut dapat berupa noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti benda), gerund (kata benda jadian), atau noun phrase (frasa kata benda). Gabungan antara preposition dengan object tersebut membentuk prepositional phrase (frasa kata depan).
Prepositions yang digunakan dapat berupa one word preposition (terdiri dari satu kata) maupun complex prepositions (gabungan antara kata depan atau dengan part of speech (kelas kata lain)).
Kelas kata lain tersebut dapat berupa noun, adjective, atau verb. Part of speech tersebut diposisikan sebelum atau diantara dua preposition. Gabungan antara noun dengan kata depan ini membentuk noun phrase (noun+prep.), adjective phrase (adjective+prep.), dan verb phrase (verb+prep.).
Prepositional phrase akan di mulai dengan sebuah preposition dan diakhiri dengan noun, pronoun, gerund, atau clause pada object preposition.
Beberapa contoh prepositional phrase hasil gabungan antara preposition (one word atau complex) dengan objectnya (noun, pronoun, gerund, atau noun phrase) dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini :

Object of Prepositions
Contoh Prepositional Phrase
One Word
Noun Phrase
at work
between us
by walking
the classroom
in the classroom
in front of
in front of guests
because of
because of you
together with
my parents
together with my parents

Object pada preposition biasanya memiliki satu atau lebih modifier yang menjelaskannya. Berikut adalah pola – pola untuk prepositional phrase:
Preposition + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause
Preposition + modifier(s) + noun, pronoun, gerund, or clause
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh yang paling dasar dari prepositional phrase :
About, To, Of, Off, By, For, Out of, Through, without, outside, under, up, upon, until, at, during, around, etc.
Penggunaan prepositional dalam kalimat:
At home
At = preposition; home = noun.
In time
In = preposition; time = noun.
From Richie
From = preposition; Richie = noun.
With me
With = preposition; me = pronoun.
By singing
By = preposition; singing = gerund.
About what we need
About = preposition; what we need = noun clause
e.g.       a. he spoke about his work
            b. I can’t live without your love
            c. I’m always waiting for you
            d. the guests entered into the game with gusto after dinner
            e. the boy came rapidly down the street on bicycle
            f. he happily wondered around the town during his vacation
Prepositional tidak berfungsi sebagai kata depan (Preposition) apabila tidak di ikuti oleh object seperti Noun dan adverb.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

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