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Friday, August 2, 2013

3 Pesawat Sipil Terbesar Di Dunia


Pesawat penumpang sipil adalah pesawat terbang atau pesawat udara yang digunakan untuk mengangkut penumpang sipil beserta bagasi dan kargo (dengan kapasitas tertentu). Dari berbagai tipe pesawat penumpang yang pernah dibuat, berikut adalah 3 pesawat sipil terbesar yang pernah dibuat:

1. Antonov An-225 Mriya

Pesawat Antonov 225

Antonov An-225 Mriya merupakan pesawat terbesar didunia yang dibuat oleh Perusahaan Antonov. Nama belakang pesawat ini Мрія (Mriya) yang dalam bahasa Ukraina berarti Mimpi atau Inspirasi. Pesawat ini memiliki berat kosong hampir 700 ton, panjang 275 meter, dan rentang sayap 290 meter. Pesawat produksi perusahaan pembuat pesawat Antonov ini hanya dibuat sebuah saja di dunia dan disewakan untuk mengangkut barang-barang yang luar biasa besar. Sebenarnya, pesawat ini akan dibuat dua unit. Namun hanya satu yang selesai dan digunakan (UR-82060), sedangkan yang kedua dijadwalkan rampung pada tahun 2008 lalu ditunda. Sampai Agustus 2009, pesawat kedua tidak rampung juga dan pengerjaannya telah ditinggalkan.

Dahulu pesawat ini digunakan untuk mengangkut pesawat ulang alik Buran menggantikan Myasishchev VM-T. Namun seiring dengan bubarnya Uni Soviet pada tahun 1991 dan proyek Buran yang tidak dilanjutkan lagi tahun 1993 pesawat ini terpaksa tidak beroperasi (tidak tampak) selama hampir 8 tahun. Pada tahun 2001, pesawat ini kembali dioperasikan dengan menjadi pengangkut berat yang bernomor penerbangan UR-82060 (yang sebelumnya СССР-82060) sampai sekarang.

2. Airbus A340

Airbus A340

Airbus A340 adalah pesawat penumpang komersial berukuran besar yang diproduksi oleh Airbus. Memiliki desain yang mirip dengan tipe Airbus A330 tetapi A340 menggunakan empat mesin tidak hanya dua seperti A330. Ditujukan untuk menggantikan pesawat generasi sebelumnya seperti Boeing 747 tetapi varian terakhir ini sekarang bersaing dengan Boeing 777. Lebih dari 370 A340 dioperasikan di seluruh dunia pada September 2010. Produksi A340 resmi ditutup pada paruh ketiga tahun 2011.

A340 diluncurkan pada bulan Juni 1987 sebagai pelengkap penerbangan jarak jauh dari pesawat jarak pendek A320 dan jarak menengah A300. A340 dirancang secara paralel dengan pesawat bermesin ganda A330. A340 dilengkapi dengan sistem kontrol penerbangan fly-by-wire digital. Pesawat ini juga menggunakan joystick samping dariapda menggunakan kemudi depan, dengan satu stik di sisi kiri pilot dan stik yang lain di sisi kanan ko-pilot. A340 diharapkan menggunakan mesin superfan terbaru buatan International Aero Engines, namun pengembangan mesin tersebut dihentikan. A340 juga merupakan pesawat komersial pertama yang memungkinkan penumpangnya menggunakan telepon seluler selama penerbangan.

3. Airbus A380

Pesawat Airbus A380-800

Airbus A380 adalah sebuah pesawat dua tingkat, dengan empat mesin yang mampu memuat 850 penumpang dalam konfigurasi satu kelas atau 555 penumpang dalam konfigurasi tiga kelas dan diproduksi oleh Airbus S.A.S. Pesawat ini melaksanakan penerbangan perdana pada 27 April 2005 dan telah memulai penerbangan komersial pada akhir tahun 2007 setelah ditunda beberapa kali. Pesawat ini juga merupakan salah satu pesawat komersial (pesawat penumpang) terbesar yang pernah dibuat (dijuluki Superjumbo).

Pesawat ini mempunyai mesin empat buah buatan Rolls-Royce Trent-900 yang mampu memberikan daya dorong 36.280 kg atau empat mesin kipas turbo Engine Alliance GP 7200 (sebuah perusahaan patungan General Electric dengan Pratt & Whitney), dengan daya dorong 37.003 kg. Pesawat A380 versi standar memiliki 854 kursi untuk penumpang, sementara A380-900 memiliki 1000 kursi untuk penumpang. Di atas pesawat ini terdapat pusat pembelanjaan, tempat bermain anak-anak, dan fasilitas-fasilitas lainya (semua fasilitas ini disediakan sebagai opsi, tergantung pesanan maskapai).
3 Pesawat Sipil Terbesar Di Dunia |
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Default 3 Pelabuhan Kapal Terbesar Di Dunia

Default 3 Pelabuhan Kapal Terbesar Di Dunia

Berikut ini adalah pelabuhan terbesar di dunia. hHal ini berdasarkan Kapasitas penanganan port diukur dalam hal TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit). The Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit (TEU) merupakan unit eksak kapasitas kargo sering digunakan untuk menggambarkan kapasitas kapal kontainer. Satu TEU merupakan kapasitas kargo kontainer standar, 20 kaki panjang dan 8 kaki lebar. Selain terbesar, pelabuhan laut berikut ini dinilai sebagai pelabuhan yang tersibuk di dunia.

1. Pelabuhan Shanghai (Cina)

Pelabuhan Shanghai

Pelabuhan Shanghai memiliki total lima wilayah kerja, pelabuhan Shanghai menjadi pelabuhan terbesar di dunia, melebihi pelabuhan Singapura. Pelabuhan Shanghai adalah yang terbesar di daratan Cina. Dimulai pada tahun 1980, kapasitas penanganan barang tahunan melampaui 100 juta ton. Pelabuhan ini menangani 29,05 juta peti kemas ukuran 20 kaki (twenty foot equivalent units/TEU) pada tahun 2010 dan 2011 serta meningkat terus hingga pada tahun 2012 menjadi tertinggi di dunia. Pelabuhan Shanghai memiliki sebuah pelabuhan laut serta pelabuhan sungai. Pelabuhan Shanghai adalah sumber aktivitas ekonomi yang besar di daerah Sungai Yangtze yang telah membantu lebih jauh status ekonomi wilayah seperti Zhejiang, Jiangsu dan Henan.

Shanghai telah menjalin hubungan bisnis dengan pengiriman 1.100 pelabuhan di lebih dari 200 negara dan wilayah. Pengelolaan pelabuhan ini diserahkan kepada Shanghai International Port (Group) Co. Ltd. (SIPG), perusahaan publik yang sahamnya dimiliki pemerintah Kota Shanghai sebesar 44,23%. Perusahaan ini mempekerjakan orang-orang terbaik dan berkomitmen kuat untuk memajukan pelabuhan Shanghai. Hasilnya, saat ini pelabuhan Shanghai sangat vital dalam transportasi di daerah sungai Yangtze dan gerbang paling penting dalam perdagangan internasional. Melayani daerah sekitarnya dengan penduduknya yang padat, daerah industri yang kuat dan sektor pertanian yang maju.

2. Pelabuhan Ningbo-Zhoushan (Cina)

Pelabuhan Ningbo Zhoushan

Pelabuhan laut ini sebenarnya merupakan gabungan dua pelabuhan lama, yaitu Ningbo Port dan Zhoushan Port. Penggabungan dilakukan pada tahun 2006 untuk memudahkan pengelolaan perairan di dalam satu koordinasi pelabuhan laut. Sinergi logistik dan strategis diciptakan oleh penggabungan pelabuhan tersebut dan terasa dampaknya yaitu dapat mempercepat pembangunan ekonomi khususnya di Delta Sungai Yangtze. Menurut data statistik dari instansi yang berwenang MOT, Ningbo port-Zhoushan menangani total 570 juta ton kargo pada tahun 2009 dan setiap tahunnya semakin meningkat. Hal ini sejalan dengan pertumbuhan 10% dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya.

Pelabuhan Ningbo sendiri senantiasa masuk ke dalam peringkat 10 besar pelabuhan laut di dunia. Dengan penggabungan dan kemajuan yang cukup pesat tersebut, bahkan keberadaan pelabuhan ini mampu menggeser posisi Port of Singapore (pelabuhan Singapura). Pelabuhan Ningbo-Zhoushan sekaligus mengakomodasi angkutan laut untuk tiga sungai utama, yaitu Sungai Yangtze, Sungai Yong, dan Sungai Qaintang. Hingga saat ini, pelabuhan tersebut masih dalam tahap perluasan dan renovasi yang akan rampung pada tahun 2014 nanti.

3. Pelabuhan Singapura (Singapura)

Pelabuhan Singapore

Pelabuhan Singapura sebenarnya merupakan pelabuhan laut paling besar dan paling sibuk di kawasan Asia Tenggara. Dalam rangking dunia, Port of Singapore senantiasa menempati peringkat kedua dan ketiga sejak tahun 2008. Hebatnya lagi, Singapura merupakan satu-satunya negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara dengan luas wilayah paling kecil. Pelabuhan Singapura terhubung dengan sebanyak 600 pelabuhan di seluruh dunia dan ada sebanyak lebih dari 100 negara yang berhubungan dengan pelabuhan laut Singapura.

Pelabuhan ini juga difungsikan untuk mengelola kargo minyak di mana terdapat sebanyak hampir 50% minyak mentah dunia transit di Singapura. Dalam hal penanganannya, pelabuhan kapal menangani seperlima dari kontainer kargo global dan bertanggung jawab untuk transit hampir 50% dari pasokan minyak mentah global. Produktivitas dicapai berkat sempurnanya infrastruktur, suprastruktur, infrastruktur lunak, serta manajamen dengan visi dan komitmen yang kuat. Hal yang paling fundamental dari sempunanya pelabuhan Singapura adalah didudukkannya orang-orang terbaik negeri itu dalam Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA). Pelabuhan Singapura bisa tumbuh karena by design transportasi laut oleh Lee Kuan Yew.
3 Pelabuhan Kapal Terbesar Di Dunia |
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Sunday, July 28, 2013

10 Rumah Terbesar di Dunia

      Setiap orang pasti ingin memiliki rumah besar,dan setiap orang kaya biasanya selalu mencoba untuk membangun sebuah rumah yang paling mahal dan paling mewah di dunia.
dan ini adalah daftar 10 rumah terbesar di Dunia.
1. Updown Court
largest house Updown Court Top 10 Largest Houses in the World
Rumah yang terletak di london, Inggris, dan dilaporkan lebih besar dari Istana Buckingham. Memiliki 103 kamar, arena bowling, bioskop besar, lebih dari 3 kolam renang dan lapangan squash. Butuh 116 juta dolar dan bagian yang terbaik adalah bahwa jalan masuk dipanaskan agar berefek hangat.
2. Maison de l'Amitie
largest house Maison amitie Top 10 Largest Houses in the World
Dimiliki oleh Donald Trump, berada di Palm Beach. Membentang di tanah seluas 80.000 meter persegi dan memegang konservatori, ruang serbaguna, 15 kamar tidur, 8 kamar mandi, rumah tenis dan paviliun mewah. Menghabiskan biaya sekitar 125 juta dolar.  

3. Fleur de Lys
largest house Fleur de Lys Top 10 Largest Houses in the World
senilai lebih dari 125 juta dan dibangun oleh Suzanne dan David Saperstein, rumah ini disiapkan untuk penjualan pada tahun 2007. Rumah itu memiliki 15 kamar tidur dan eksterior ditutupi dengan kapur Perancis sementara interior disiramkan dengan emas 24 karat. Rumah itu juga memiliki item furniture seperti pola tirai Marie Antoinette dan kursi favorit Napoleon.
4. Kastil Dracula
largest house Dracula Castle Top 10 Largest Houses in the World
Sebelumnya, bangunan mistis sangat menakutkan ini adalah sebuah benteng, milik Archduke Dominic. Benteng ini dibuat menjadi museum selama tahun 1980 dan setahun yang lalu, Archduke Dominic menempatkan benteng ini untuk dijual dengan harga bersih $ 80 juta. Namun tidak ada peminat yang cocok, dan dua tahun kemudian, ia memasang rumah itu untuk dijual lagi. Kali ini harganya tidak diungkapkan. Tetapi tidak ada peminat yang masuk. Rumah ini memiliki 57 kamar, 17 kamar tidur dan mebel antik yang indah yang tentunya memiliki nilai sejarah tinggi.

5. Peternakan Hala
largest house Hala Ranch Top 10 Largest Houses in the World
Dimiliki oleh Pangeran Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdulaziz dari Arab Saudi, peternakan akan ditemukan di Colorado. Peternakan ini memiliki 27 kamar mandi dan 15 kamar tidur bersama dengan kolam renang dalam ruangan, jalan ski swasta, limbah tanaman pengobatan, lapangan tenis, kandang penghangat dan pompa bensin. Mencapai biaya sekitar 135 juta dolar di lahan 14 397 meter persegi.  

6. Aaron Spelling, Manor
largest houseAaron Spellings Manor Top 10 Largest Houses in the World
Rumah ini berdiri di atas tanah yang melintasi 56.000 meter persegi tanah. Biaya bersih diperkirakan mencapai 150 juta dolar, dibangun pada tahun 1991. Memiliki 123 kamar tidur, lapangan tenis, arena skating, bowling dan kolam renang.

7. Elena Franchuk di Victoria Villa
 largest house Elena Franchuks Victoria Villa Top 10 Largest Houses in the World
Rumah yang terletak di daerah Kensington London baru-baru ini dibeli sekitar 161 juta dolar. Rumah 5 lantai memiliki 10 kamar tidur, ruang biliar, ruang panik, teater bergerak dan sauna ditambah gym.  

8. The Penthouses at One Hyde Park
largest house The Penthouses One Hyde Park Top 10 Largest Houses in the World
Fasilitas yang ada di rumah ini sangat mewah, bisa dibilang bahkan lebih mirip hotel. Ada kabar mengatakan bahwa jika bangunan selesai sepenuhnya, itu akan dapat mengalahkan harga Mansion William Randolph Hearst. Rumah ini masih dalam pembangunan. Setelah selesai, itu akan menjadi rumah paling mahal kedua di dunia dengan biaya total bersih sebesar 160 juta dolar. Ini akan berlokasi di sebuah gedung pencakar langit di London bernama One Hyde Park.  

9. William Randolph Hearst Mansion
largest house William Randolph Hearsts Mansion Top 10 Largest Houses in the World
Rumah mewah milik William Randolph Hearst, memiliki 3 kolam renang, 29 kamar tidur dan ruang yang sangat luas. Di dalamnya juga ada diskotik dan bioskop mini. Sebenarnya rumah itu disiapkan untuk di jual sejak tahun 2007,namun diambil kembali setahun kemudian ketika tidak ada orang menunjukkan minat pada rumah itu. Butuh 165 juta dolar untuk membangunnya di areal sekitar enam hektar tanah.

10. Antilla
Rumah yang terletak di Mumbai, India. Dibangun oleh Mukesh Ambani sebesar $ 1 miliar dolar. Mukesh Ambani adalah seorang pengusaha terkemuka dan miliarder asal India yang juga orang yang masuk daftar 10 orang terkaya di dunia. Rumah ini terdiri dari 27 lantai dengan ruangan yang sangat besar, bahkan garasinya dapat menampung sekitar 150 mobil. Rumah itu memiliki klub kesehatan mewah. Raja bisnis ini memiliki koleksi pribadi 168 mobil. Kaca di rumah ini seluruhnya mencapai 570 meter. 
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

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Friday, April 5, 2013



Scales which later became the basis of the musical notation was found out by Muslim scientists. This important fact was first revealed by Jean Benjamin de La Borde, a scientist and a French composer, in his Essai sur la Musique Ancienne et Moderne (1780). In his book La Borde alphabetically mention musical notation invented by Muslim scholars. It consists of notation silabels (which we know as solmisasi) in the Arabic alphabet, namely Shad Mi Fa La Sin Dal Ra. According to La Borde, the notation is then transliterated Arabic alphabet by European scientists into Latin, who somehow claimed as hymns St. John.

This transliteration was first used by the Italian musician Guido Arezzo (995-1050) which is famous for the theory of Guido's Hand her. British Channel 4 program which broadcast the event said that music history was the one creator Guido solmisasi system, without any express findings of fact by Muslim scientists. However, La Borde is not alone. Other European composers, Guillaume-André Villoteau (1759-1839), took a stance like La Borde, which recognizes that the creation solmisasi are Muslims.

La Borde conduct research by comparing the notation derived from Guido's Hand with berabjad Arabic notation. La Borde came to the conclusion that Guido's Hand is no more cheat Guido of Arezzo notation system invented by Muslim scholars.

"Physically, the Arab berabjad solmisasi display serves as a role model by Guido Arezzo," wrote La Borde. He then made a monograph that displays critical comparison between models solmisasi findings and Muslim scientists made solmisasi Guido Arezzo which is then recognized as music notation until now.

Arabic notation
Arabic notation used since the 9th century, when Muslim music experts like Jonah Alkatib (765) and Al-Khalil (791), founder of the system of Arabic prosody and lexicography, which is followed by al-Ma'mun (d. 833) and Ishaq Al-Mausili (d. 850), introduced a system of musical notation in the book are well-known in the West, Book of Notes and Rhythms and the Great Book of Songs, in addition to the Book of Al-Kabir its Mausiqul Ibn Al-Farabi (872-950) .

Findings Al-Ma'mun and al-Mausili researched and developed by Abu Yusuf ibn Ishaq al-Kindi (801-874), Yahya ibn Yahya ibn Ali (d. 1048), Ahmad Ibn Muhammad As-Sarakhsi (wafat1286), Talha Ibn Mansur bin Tahir, Thabit ibn Qurra (d. 1288), and other Muslim scientists. Dominucus Gundissalinus (d. 1151) and The Count Souabe Hermanus Reichenau, two Western musicologists, researching and developing the findings of Al-Kindi. In addition, theories of music created by Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd was also influential in the development of European music as their theories in medical science.

Before claiming Arezzo Guido music notation with its Guido's Hand, music theory has been growing rapidly in Spain through Ziryab (789-857), musician reliably and botanist who emigrated from Baghdad, and Ibn Firnas (d. 888) who introduced oriental music to the public Spanish and taught for the first time in the schools in Andalusia.

Guido, Constantine African Students
Soriano, a researcher of music from Spain, revealing facts about Guido Arezzo. Musician is considered the inventor of musical notation was studying Catalogna, a Latin music theory book that contains the findings in the field of music by Muslim scientists.

Hunke, another researcher, wrote that the Arabs who form the alphabet notation musical notation written in Catalogna in the 11th century and published in Monte Cassino, a region in Italy that was inhabited by Muslim communities and places never visited Constantie African, Tunisian Muslim scientists that goes to Italy via Salerno. One of the science that is taught by the African Constantine the barbarians and backward in Salerno is the music. All translations are done to the African Constantine books findings Muslim scientists is the reference European students.

Moreover, Constantine also open up the opportunity for them to learn to Spain, which is when it is being enlivened by a college professor of music with the scientists / musicians like Ziryab Muslim and Ibn Farnes. Many students graduate from music school in Spain from Italy, one of which is the Aurillac Gerbert (d. 1003), who became known as the founder of the music in European countries and spawned countless experts western music.
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Inventors COMPUTER

Inventors COMPUTER

Charles Babbage was born December 26, 1792 was a British mathematician who first put forward the idea of ​​a programmable computer. Most of the machinery developed can now be seen in the Science Museum London. In 1991, using Babbage's original plans, the differential engine developed and this machine can function perfectly, proving that Babbage's ideas on this machine can indeed be implemented. Charles Babbage died October 18, 1871 at the age of 79 years, leaving children; Benjamin Herschel Babbage (1815), Charles Whitmore Babbage (1817), Georgiana Whitmore Babbage (1818), Edward Stewart Babbage (1819), Francis Moore Babbage (1821), Dugald Bromheald Babbage (1823), Henry Prevost Babbage (1824), Alexander Forbes Babbage (1827), Timothy grant Babbage (1829). .: [Close] [Click 2x] [Close]:. At that time, calculations using mathematical tables often have errors. Babbage wanted to develop a way of doing calculations mechanically, so as to reduce the calculation error is often done by humans. At that time, Babbage was inspired by the development of calculating machines carried out by Wilhelm Schickard, Blaise Pascal, and Gottfried Leibniz. Preliminary ideas about Babbage engine written in the form of a letter he wrote to the Royal Astronomical Society entitled "Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables" ("note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables") dated June 14, 1822 . Computer History begins when British inventor Charles Babbage completed the general principles of the use of digital computers full century before the development of large-scale electronic calculating machines occurs. Machine that he designed, which gave the name "analytical engine" in principle capable of carrying out what can be done modern calculator (though not as fast, because the "engine analyst" is not designed for electric powered). Unfortunately, since the 19th century technology is not yet advanced enough, Babbage was not able to complete the construction "analysts machine" that, besides it can not require a huge time and cost. After his death, his ideas were so brilliant almost forgotten. In 1937, Babbage writing to the attention of Howard H. Aiken, graduate degree from Harvard. Aiken is also trying to complete the design of computer machines, moved by the idea of ​​Babbage. In cooperation with IBM, Aiken could make Mark I, the first computer for all purposes. Two years after Mark I operated (1946), a group of engineers and other inventors completed the ENIAC, the first electronic calculating machine. Since then, advances in computer technology is growing rapidly. Calculating machines had so much influence in the world, it would only become more important in the future, their contributions to the development of the Babbage computer Aiken is not greater than or than John Mauchly and JO Eckert (the main character in the design of the ENIAC). On the basis that there are at least three predecessor Babbage (Blaise Pascal, Gottfried Leibniz and Joseph Marie Jacquard) has made a donation equivalent to Babbage. Pascal, a mathematician, philosopher and French scientists discovered the sum of mechanical machines in 1642. In 1671 Gottfired Wilhelm von Leibniz, a philosopher and a mathematician to design a machine that could add, subtract, multiply and divide. Leibniz was also the first to demonstrate the importance of "binary system," the system is the sum of the two "digits" that in modern times it is widely used in the computer machine. And the other French, Jacquard, who in the early 19th century has been using computers to monitor charging system looms. Jacquard loom which sells heavy commercial, had a major influence on the thinking of Babbage. May affect also Herman Hollerith, an American who at the end of the 19th century using computer charging system to create a column of data in the Census Bureau. - 5234
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History Of Guitar Inventor

history of guitar inventor

Guitar is a stringed musical instrument that is played by plucked, usually using fingers.

Guitar is formed on a main body portion with a solid neck as the strings are usually numbered six.

Guitar History (From Wikip)
The word 'guitar' or guitar in English, was originally taken from the name of an ancient stringed instruments in Persia in about 1500 BC, known as citar or sehtar. This instrument is then developed into a variety of old-fashioned guitar models known as general tanbur. In the year 300 BC the Persian tanbur developed by the Greeks and six centuries later by the Romans (Bellow, 1970:54-55). In this instrument 476M brought by the Romans to Spain and transformed into: (1) guitarra Frigiliana melody that serves as a carrier, and (2) Guitarra Latina to play a chord. Three centuries later the Arabs brought a kind of stringed guitar as al ud to Spain (Summerfield, 1982:12). Under construction ud al Arab and the two models of guitars from the Roman, the Spanish and then make his own musical instrument called the vihuela. As a result, vihuela became popular in Spain while his predecessor musical instruments gradually abandoned. Nevertheless, al ud brought to the Western European countries and rivaling the popularity of the vihuela in Spain. In Europe al ud welcomed and evolved into various models of European lute until approximately the end of the 17th century. While the vihuela evolving into a wide range of guitars for centuries until it became a classical guitar used at this time.
The authenticity of the guitar can not be seen from antiquity. Some experts feel this tool comes from the African continent, where many modern replicas in a round shape like a box of shells with Gut / silk yarn, in many areas of the continent. Other experts find this tool in the form of glass in an old stone relief relief at the time of Ancient Central Asia and Asia. Materials other thoughts also arise with the discovery of ancient Greek vases patterned vase. Greek Strings is the first tool that may be categorized as a guitar. Modern guitars likely stems from the Spanish guitar, but different types of guitars as instruments instruments we can see the portraits and paintings in Medieval times there is lots Renaiassance throughout Europe

Here is the place where the historic discovery of the guitar from Medieval times until the 20th century, based on the history and development.
1265 Juan Gil of Zamora declared the guitar starts early history of "Ars Musica".
1283 -1350 Guitar Guitarra Latina and Moresca contained in the poem "Archpriest of Hita".
1306 A guitar player playing at a religious place (The Feast of Westminister) in the UK.
1487 Johannes Tinctoris found the instrument invented by the Catalans.
1546 Alonso Mudarra create a composite "Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras The vihuela" that involves a guitar in it.
1551 - 1555 Nine tablatur guitar books published by Adrian Le Roy.
1600 - 1650 Various types tablatur for guitar published. Its popularity began to rival the lute (a type of guitar as well).
1674 book "guitarre Royal" which was published by F. Corbetta which raise the popularity of the guitar. This book is dedicated to King Louis XIV.
1770 - 1800 to 6 strings on the guitar and it all added to Single String.
1800 - 1850 experienced their most popular guitar in terms of appearance and publications. Fernando Sor, Mauro Guiliani, Matteo Carcassi and Dioniso Aguado was the famous composer who writes, teaches and publishes their composition.
1850 - 1892 A Manual Torres guitar manufacturers to develop a generation that we know today.
1916 Segovia concert in Ateneo, which is the most famous concert hall in Madrid at the time. Formerly known instrument can not be displayed at this big event.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Finalists of Miss Indonesia 2013 from West Kalimantan, Vania Larissa

After passing through a series of deliberations, finally elected Miss Indonesia 2013. Finalists from West Kalimantan, Vania Larissa successfully replace Ines daughter, Miss Indonesia 2012.

Holds the title as Miss Indonesia is certainly not an easy task. Because, a journey to the title.

Title as Miss Indonesia 2013 was crowned at the end Vania Larissa, contestants from West Kalimantan. Vania was selected after setting aside two rivals.
detail berita
Degree II Runner Up Miss Indonesia 2013 won Shinta Nur Safira from West Java. While Runner Up I Miss Indonesia 2013 won by Jovita Dwijayanti of Central Java.

Answer skyline, plus a high confidence to make the judges gobsmacked. This is what makes it deemed worthy of this prestigious title.

Winner of Miss Indonesia 2013 will have a heavy responsibility. The reason, he will represent Indonesia in Miss World 2013. As host, should give the best performance. Not to mention, surpassing expectations for Ines Princess in the Miss World event last year, in the number 13.

Finalists of Miss Indonesia 2013 from West Kalimantan, Vania Larissa after a press conference in the main lobby Suite Belleza, Permata Hijau, South Jakarta, Tuesday (02/12/2013).

          Miss Indonesia crown princess of Innes finally move. Now the crown is perched at the head of Vania Larissa. Miss West Kalimantan took home the crown of Miss Indonesia 2013.
Vania able to get rid of the two competitors, Shinta Safira from West Java and Central Java Dwijayanti Jovita in round three. Vania represent Indonesia in Miss World is scheduled to be held in Bali September 2013.
Before crowned Miss Indonesia, Vania apparently drugged jury with answers to questions Liliana Tanoe Soedibyo ie if a Miss Indonesia what contribution? Are they the answer?
With a calm and responsive, Vania replied he would try to be maximal inspiration, especially young women with achievements at home and abroad. It says Vania is a way to prove that women can be ambassadors of the nation.
Women who have a body height 170 cm is also showing his skills singing seriosa really prove it. German-language song seriosa else in his show in front of judges and audience Peak Night Miss Indonesia 2013.
Vania is one of the Indonesian Got Talent semi-finalists that aired on Indosiar. While following this competition three years ago he was still 15 years old.

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Vania Larissa .Beauty contest winner, miss indonesia

Vania Larissa
Beauty contest winner

Vania Larissa
Born Vania Larissa
18 November 1995 (age 17)
  Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Student jobs, singer
Years active 2013 - present
Height 1.71 m (5 ft 7 in)
Title of Miss Indonesia 2013
the Miss Indonesia 2013
Vania Larissa

Genre pop, crossover, gospel
vocal instrument
Years active 2010 - present
Impact Music record company, Sony Music Entertainment Indonesia
Vania Larissa (born in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, 18 November 1995, age 17 years) is a singer nationality Indonesia, which is also the winner of Miss Indonesia 2013. [1] He became known as a champion in a talent show Indonesia's Got Talent in 2010. He is a career in the music world since 2010. Vania was born in Pontianak has now been settled in Jakarta and attended the School of Pelita Harapan. Her genre pop & seriosa.

The main track is a Secret was released in 2011. Vania also released the album Peace be with you along with Agnes Monica, Ruth, Once, Mike Mohede, Sammy Simorangkir, Rio Hidalgo, Ari Lasso, Maria Shandi and much more ...

detail berita

After passing through a series of deliberations, finally elected Miss Indonesia 2013. Finalists from West Kalimantan, Vania Larissa successfully replace Ines daughter, Miss Indonesia 2012.

Holds the title as Miss Indonesia is certainly not an easy task. Because, a journey to the title.

Title as Miss Indonesia 2013 was crowned at the end Vania Larissa, contestants from West Kalimantan. Vania was selected after setting aside two rivals.

Degree II Runner Up Miss Indonesia 2013 won Shinta Nur Safira from West Java. While Runner Up I Miss Indonesia 2013 won by Jovita Dwijayanti of Central Java.

Answer skyline, plus a high confidence to make the judges gobsmacked. This is what makes it deemed worthy of this prestigious title.

Winner of Miss Indonesia 2013 will have a heavy responsibility. The reason, he will represent Indonesia in Miss World 2013. As host, should give the best performance. Not to mention, surpassing expectations for Ines Princess in the Miss World event last year, in the number 13.

Finalists of Miss Indonesia 2013 from West Kalimantan, Vania Larissa after a press conference in the main lobby Suite Belleza, Permata Hijau, South Jakarta, Tuesday (02/12/2013).

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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Most Healthy Cities in the World

7 Most Healthy Cities in the World

Many cities around the world is a great place to live because of the availability of recreational and high life expectancy. Countries that have a high ratio of physical disease patients tend to be healthier and more number of doctors sedikit.Tingkat infant mortality and low levels of disease is important for the health of the city, but there are many factors that make these cities in the list of cities sedunia.Berolahraga the healthiest city, eat well and healthy lifestyle is a contributing factor to the health of the citizens of any country in the world.

There are many ways to measure the health of a city. Several factors affect the health of society as a whole, including long life expectancy, the ratio of doctor-patient as a whole and the amount of toxins that can be found in lingkungan.Kesehatan also measured the availability of sports and other activities and the level of disease. Some states allocate funds in large amounts on health, but it does not really mean they are healthy. Here is a list of the seven healthiest cities in the world.

1. Reykjavik, Iceland:

Reykjavik is the largest city and the capital of Iceland Looks clean and very beautiful.
Iceland has a low level of disease as a whole. Prevalence TB countries was 2.2 per 100,000 people, and no cases of H1N1 bird flu in sana.Islandia also has a high jumalh physicians, with a ratio of 3.62 per 1,000 residents.

Swimming is a popular sport in Islandia.Renang have been included in the school curriculum Iceland for over 60 years and each resident is required to learn berenang.Kekayaan Icelandic geothermal Iceland makes a great place to warm pools open berenang.Kolam located across the country and is open all years. other outdoor sports like hiking and sailing are also popular in Reykjavik.

Reykjavik and other towns in Iceland have high levels of vehicle ownership per capita is very high around 522 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants, but they are not affected by congestion and have very low levels of air pollution.

2. Vienna, Austria

Walking - the road at night in the city of Vienna is an unforgettable experience.
Austria has an infant mortality rate was only 4 deaths per 1,000 live births.
They also have a high density of 3.38 doctors per 1,000 warga.Orang doctor who lives in Austria covered by government insurance as soon as they get a job or go to university.
Pensioners are also guaranteed automatically by hukum.Wina offers skiing in the winter and lots of recreational activities in the summer months.
City hosts a variety of sporting events including the Vienna Marathon.
This marathon attracts over 10,000 attendees per tahun.Pada 2005, the Ice Hockey World Championships are hosted by Austria and the final match played in Vienna.

3. Sydney, Australia
It's amazing to see Sydney with a red sky in the background.
Australian health care system is one of the best in Australia dunia.perusahaan insurance required by law to pay the policy premiums and the same no matter the past mereka.udara Health Australia is also among the cleanest air in dunia.Menurut CIA World Factbook, Australia also boasts one highest life expectancy at 81.81 years of age in 2011.

City of Sydney has a temperate climate, sunny moderate contributes to a love of the outdoors that much on penduduknya.Ada five major national parks located around Sydney which contains about 8,000 square miles of open space.

4. Zurich, Switzerland

Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland and capital of the canton of Zurich. Beautiful city.
Country Switzerland spends more than 11 percent of Gross Domestic Product in the budget of universal health coverage for residents negaranya.Ini is a very high expenditure per capita, but the people giving high life expectancy at age 71 for men and age 75 for women. Swiss physician density is about 3.61 per 1,000 penduduk.Swiss also has high levels of air pollution.
There are many gardens and parks are located in Zurich for citizens to simply walking, cycling, most people Zurich enjoy an active lifestyle and sport is an integral part of the culture Swiss.Banyaknya sports facilities make Zurich a gathering place for sports lovers in Switzerland. Some international sports federations make their home in Zurich.

5. Helsinki, Finland

Finland where Eastern and Western cultures meet, welcomes travelers to discover the Scandinavian metropolis atmosphere of complete
Finland has one of the lowest pollution levels in dunia.Mereka also boasts a low infant mortality three deaths per 1,000 births hidup.Warga Finland has a life expectancy of about 79.27 years since lahir.Helsinki, the capital.
There are about 390 cars per 1000 inhabitants of Helsinki. much less than the density of cities alike. Brussels, Belgia.Belgia has about 483 cars per 1000 people, and Stockholm, Sweden has about 401.

6. Calgary, Alberta Canada
Calgary is the largest city in the province of Alberta, Kanada.terletak in the south of the province, in the area of ​​foothills and prairie, approximately 80 km east Canadian Rockies
Calgary is considered as the fastest growing city in Kanada.Berada in the top spot in Forbes magazine survey of the cleanest cities in the world in 2007.
Canada is known for mereka.Negara universal health care system has only about 2.1 doctors for every 1,000 residents, and they boast one of the average life expectancy of the longest in the country dunia.warga Canadians can expect to live to about 81 years.

7. Portland, Oregon, USA

Portland is a city located in the Northwestern United States, near the confluence of Columbia and Willamette rivers in the state of Oregon
Cooking Light magazine rank in the city of Portland in the second in the list of the city's most sehat.Kota offers 277 miles of bicycle paths, and urban planning that minimizes sprawl.Cuaca rain is an issue that makes Portland a city that is hard to do outdoor exercises there , Portlanders and other Oregonians must find indoor fitness activities to maintain health.
Using the ellipse guide is essential for them to find a machine to make them fit. Portlanders also enjoy 277 parks and around 146 miles of forest hiking trails.
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Strange Hobby owned by the big boss in the World

Strange Hobby owned by the big boss in the World

Have jobs with high levels of stress can be very draining and mind. Especially if you lead a company.

Most of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has been working since early morning and finished nearly midnight. Moreover, they usually work wholeheartedly without regard to fatigue.

These conditions make them take time to distribute the activities they love. Hobbies CEOs of this world-class variety, ranging from hunting to excursion into space.

As quoted from the Sydney Morning Herald, here are the bosses of the world's top companies and their unique hobby.

1. Go Daddy CEO Bob Parsons

Pictures of her posing on the corpses of elephants in the surrounding Zimbabe was alarming the public. Men who love to hunt is actually helping local residents killed three elephants that have ruined the local farmers' fields.

Meat elephant was eventually distributed to all local residents to serve as food for several weeks. Unfortunately, the photo trigger circulating on the internet without any explanation at all.

Thus, Parsons was dubbed 'CEO this year's biggest jerk' by animal rights organization PETA.

2. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg only eating meat that he slaughtered himself. In May 2011, the status of Facebook Zuckerberg could make cyberspace tantrum, "I just slaughtered pigs and goats."

Slaughter is one of the things related to his pledge to only eat meat that he had cut himself, said Zuckerberg told Fortune magazine. Animals who first became 'victims' was a lobster, which he says is full of emotion at that cut.

To continue that lifestyle, Zuckerberg has sought the advice of well-known Silicon Valley chef Jesse Cool is. The same man was first seen Zuckerberg slaughter chickens, pigs, and goats.

"He cut the goat's throat with a sharp knife, it is a correct way," said Cool.

3. CEO of Oracle Corporation, Larry Ellison

Lawrence 'Larry' Ellison, had never married-divorced four times in his life, but it turned out to be married and not included in the hobby. He found pleasure to sail, but not with just any ship, which is used for racing yachts.

Ellison first Klai learn about sailing in the 60's in Univeesitas California. Since then, he has one of the largest yachts in the world and has attended a variety of world-class racing yachts, including the Maxi World Championships (he had won 5 times) also attended the American Championship to date.

4. CEO of Virgin Group, Richard Branson

Sir Richard Branson loves to travel with extreme way, especially those that can be used to break the world record. It many ways it take to break this record, including hot air balloon around the world wear (though ultimately unsuccessful).

One of the only successful attempt to cross the English Channel using amphibious vehicles (1 hour 40 minutes), and became the first to cross the strait using air blon year earlier.

5. CEO Jeff Taylor

Jeff Taylor, the right to have a nickname called the CEO of the world's most eccentric. The reason he is not much different from a close friend who had just discussed earlier, Richard Branson.

Taylor is the record holder for water skiing drawn by zeppelin balloon the farthest in the world five times in a row. Taylor's last record was taken from her after she managed to survive the giant balloon was pulled along the 3.3 miles or 4.8 km.

6. Vice president of Hilton Hotels, William Barron Hilton

William, better known as the father of socialite Paris Hilton, so infatuated with flying. He has 750,000 hectares of plantation land in Nevada that is used for a variety of aviation activities.

He often flew with the use of various tools and vehicles, ranging from paragliding, helicopter, aircraft engine vanes and even a hot air balloon. William told Forbes acquired his love of flying time affiliated with the Air Force, he was getting his flying license in Oahu.

He also regularly organizes annual flying competition where the winner can try all his aviation facilities on the estate called Flying-M's.

7. CEO of Cisco Systems, Sandy Lerner

Lerner know much about jousting, game two on horseback carrying spears to attack each other straight in the arena. The game is popular in Europe around the Middle Ages.

It is one of the most favorite hobbies. In fact he had a large collection, ranging from spears to each period costumes. He has bought 800 acres of land in rural Upperville, Virginia, to breed a lot of horses for his favorite game is.

8. Commissioner Anil Ambani's Reliance ADA Group

The richest man in India's fourth most evenings running on Mumbai streets accompanied by several bodyguards. Initially, he trained for a marathon is serious competition at the 2003 Boston Marathon after someone mmepertanyakan weight during a press conference in New York. Now, he is a loyal follower maratahon world competition.

9. Commissioner Ford Motor, William Clay Ford Jr..

William is the third descendant of Henry Ford's great-grandson aka the inventor of the leading automobile companies of the United States (U.S.). He often appears on television advertising company complete with a neat appearance and a charming smile.

Do not just look at one side only, behind all that he is a black belt in the martial art of Tae Kwon Do. It also can be absolute cutting wooden board with just his bare hands.

10. CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett

You all must know Buffett as one of the richest men in the world. But you would not know if Buffett were immediately stepped down from his post at Berkshire was obsessed with Buffett has often give lessons to play the ukulele free of charge to young children at a club in Omaha. In fact, a Buffet plays ukulele ever became famous. One piece of white ukulele WHEREOF behavior Buffet auctioned U.S. $ 11,211.11 or USD 100.89 million on eBay. And the results were entirely donated.

11. CEO of Cirque du Soleil, Guy Laliberté

Laliberté is a Canadian citizen who is already known to the world through the circus and games pokernya. But when it speaks of his dreams, he pointed out angkasalah place.

He was the first space tourist from Canada who never took part in awareness programs for clean water on the planet. He flew into space in September 2009, the program broadcast directly thousands of miles from Earth broadcast around the world.

12. Former Motorola CEO, Mike Zafirovski

Zafirovski live for challenges and always look for new challenges every day. He has been challenged before becoming CEO of Motorola, which had completed the Ironman triathlon.

Triathlon competition is a challenge that involves three different races into one, namely 2.4 swim, 112-mile bike ride and a marathon. He successfully completed the challenge with a record time of 13 hours and 37 minutes.

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Dust Glass Most Beautiful Car in the World

Dust Glass Most Beautiful Car in the World

Most people love furious to see a dirty car window and finally write the number funny or clever messages like "Donk car wash", "Your car is your brain" and others. But there is one artist from San Marcos Texas, utilizing dust-covered windscreens canvas to the level of high art.

Scott Wade uses dirty car windows as a canvas to create a work of extraordinary but temporary. He could spend up to four hours perfecting his dirt drawings but the heavy rain was enough to destroy his hard work.

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