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Friday, April 5, 2013



Scales which later became the basis of the musical notation was found out by Muslim scientists. This important fact was first revealed by Jean Benjamin de La Borde, a scientist and a French composer, in his Essai sur la Musique Ancienne et Moderne (1780). In his book La Borde alphabetically mention musical notation invented by Muslim scholars. It consists of notation silabels (which we know as solmisasi) in the Arabic alphabet, namely Shad Mi Fa La Sin Dal Ra. According to La Borde, the notation is then transliterated Arabic alphabet by European scientists into Latin, who somehow claimed as hymns St. John.

This transliteration was first used by the Italian musician Guido Arezzo (995-1050) which is famous for the theory of Guido's Hand her. British Channel 4 program which broadcast the event said that music history was the one creator Guido solmisasi system, without any express findings of fact by Muslim scientists. However, La Borde is not alone. Other European composers, Guillaume-André Villoteau (1759-1839), took a stance like La Borde, which recognizes that the creation solmisasi are Muslims.

La Borde conduct research by comparing the notation derived from Guido's Hand with berabjad Arabic notation. La Borde came to the conclusion that Guido's Hand is no more cheat Guido of Arezzo notation system invented by Muslim scholars.

"Physically, the Arab berabjad solmisasi display serves as a role model by Guido Arezzo," wrote La Borde. He then made a monograph that displays critical comparison between models solmisasi findings and Muslim scientists made solmisasi Guido Arezzo which is then recognized as music notation until now.

Arabic notation
Arabic notation used since the 9th century, when Muslim music experts like Jonah Alkatib (765) and Al-Khalil (791), founder of the system of Arabic prosody and lexicography, which is followed by al-Ma'mun (d. 833) and Ishaq Al-Mausili (d. 850), introduced a system of musical notation in the book are well-known in the West, Book of Notes and Rhythms and the Great Book of Songs, in addition to the Book of Al-Kabir its Mausiqul Ibn Al-Farabi (872-950) .

Findings Al-Ma'mun and al-Mausili researched and developed by Abu Yusuf ibn Ishaq al-Kindi (801-874), Yahya ibn Yahya ibn Ali (d. 1048), Ahmad Ibn Muhammad As-Sarakhsi (wafat1286), Talha Ibn Mansur bin Tahir, Thabit ibn Qurra (d. 1288), and other Muslim scientists. Dominucus Gundissalinus (d. 1151) and The Count Souabe Hermanus Reichenau, two Western musicologists, researching and developing the findings of Al-Kindi. In addition, theories of music created by Ibn Sina and Ibn Rushd was also influential in the development of European music as their theories in medical science.

Before claiming Arezzo Guido music notation with its Guido's Hand, music theory has been growing rapidly in Spain through Ziryab (789-857), musician reliably and botanist who emigrated from Baghdad, and Ibn Firnas (d. 888) who introduced oriental music to the public Spanish and taught for the first time in the schools in Andalusia.

Guido, Constantine African Students
Soriano, a researcher of music from Spain, revealing facts about Guido Arezzo. Musician is considered the inventor of musical notation was studying Catalogna, a Latin music theory book that contains the findings in the field of music by Muslim scientists.

Hunke, another researcher, wrote that the Arabs who form the alphabet notation musical notation written in Catalogna in the 11th century and published in Monte Cassino, a region in Italy that was inhabited by Muslim communities and places never visited Constantie African, Tunisian Muslim scientists that goes to Italy via Salerno. One of the science that is taught by the African Constantine the barbarians and backward in Salerno is the music. All translations are done to the African Constantine books findings Muslim scientists is the reference European students.

Moreover, Constantine also open up the opportunity for them to learn to Spain, which is when it is being enlivened by a college professor of music with the scientists / musicians like Ziryab Muslim and Ibn Farnes. Many students graduate from music school in Spain from Italy, one of which is the Aurillac Gerbert (d. 1003), who became known as the founder of the music in European countries and spawned countless experts western music.
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Inventors COMPUTER

Inventors COMPUTER

Charles Babbage was born December 26, 1792 was a British mathematician who first put forward the idea of ​​a programmable computer. Most of the machinery developed can now be seen in the Science Museum London. In 1991, using Babbage's original plans, the differential engine developed and this machine can function perfectly, proving that Babbage's ideas on this machine can indeed be implemented. Charles Babbage died October 18, 1871 at the age of 79 years, leaving children; Benjamin Herschel Babbage (1815), Charles Whitmore Babbage (1817), Georgiana Whitmore Babbage (1818), Edward Stewart Babbage (1819), Francis Moore Babbage (1821), Dugald Bromheald Babbage (1823), Henry Prevost Babbage (1824), Alexander Forbes Babbage (1827), Timothy grant Babbage (1829). .: [Close] [Click 2x] [Close]:. At that time, calculations using mathematical tables often have errors. Babbage wanted to develop a way of doing calculations mechanically, so as to reduce the calculation error is often done by humans. At that time, Babbage was inspired by the development of calculating machines carried out by Wilhelm Schickard, Blaise Pascal, and Gottfried Leibniz. Preliminary ideas about Babbage engine written in the form of a letter he wrote to the Royal Astronomical Society entitled "Note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables" ("note on the application of machinery to the computation of astronomical and mathematical tables") dated June 14, 1822 . Computer History begins when British inventor Charles Babbage completed the general principles of the use of digital computers full century before the development of large-scale electronic calculating machines occurs. Machine that he designed, which gave the name "analytical engine" in principle capable of carrying out what can be done modern calculator (though not as fast, because the "engine analyst" is not designed for electric powered). Unfortunately, since the 19th century technology is not yet advanced enough, Babbage was not able to complete the construction "analysts machine" that, besides it can not require a huge time and cost. After his death, his ideas were so brilliant almost forgotten. In 1937, Babbage writing to the attention of Howard H. Aiken, graduate degree from Harvard. Aiken is also trying to complete the design of computer machines, moved by the idea of ​​Babbage. In cooperation with IBM, Aiken could make Mark I, the first computer for all purposes. Two years after Mark I operated (1946), a group of engineers and other inventors completed the ENIAC, the first electronic calculating machine. Since then, advances in computer technology is growing rapidly. Calculating machines had so much influence in the world, it would only become more important in the future, their contributions to the development of the Babbage computer Aiken is not greater than or than John Mauchly and JO Eckert (the main character in the design of the ENIAC). On the basis that there are at least three predecessor Babbage (Blaise Pascal, Gottfried Leibniz and Joseph Marie Jacquard) has made a donation equivalent to Babbage. Pascal, a mathematician, philosopher and French scientists discovered the sum of mechanical machines in 1642. In 1671 Gottfired Wilhelm von Leibniz, a philosopher and a mathematician to design a machine that could add, subtract, multiply and divide. Leibniz was also the first to demonstrate the importance of "binary system," the system is the sum of the two "digits" that in modern times it is widely used in the computer machine. And the other French, Jacquard, who in the early 19th century has been using computers to monitor charging system looms. Jacquard loom which sells heavy commercial, had a major influence on the thinking of Babbage. May affect also Herman Hollerith, an American who at the end of the 19th century using computer charging system to create a column of data in the Census Bureau. - 5234
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History Of Guitar Inventor

history of guitar inventor

Guitar is a stringed musical instrument that is played by plucked, usually using fingers.

Guitar is formed on a main body portion with a solid neck as the strings are usually numbered six.

Guitar History (From Wikip)
The word 'guitar' or guitar in English, was originally taken from the name of an ancient stringed instruments in Persia in about 1500 BC, known as citar or sehtar. This instrument is then developed into a variety of old-fashioned guitar models known as general tanbur. In the year 300 BC the Persian tanbur developed by the Greeks and six centuries later by the Romans (Bellow, 1970:54-55). In this instrument 476M brought by the Romans to Spain and transformed into: (1) guitarra Frigiliana melody that serves as a carrier, and (2) Guitarra Latina to play a chord. Three centuries later the Arabs brought a kind of stringed guitar as al ud to Spain (Summerfield, 1982:12). Under construction ud al Arab and the two models of guitars from the Roman, the Spanish and then make his own musical instrument called the vihuela. As a result, vihuela became popular in Spain while his predecessor musical instruments gradually abandoned. Nevertheless, al ud brought to the Western European countries and rivaling the popularity of the vihuela in Spain. In Europe al ud welcomed and evolved into various models of European lute until approximately the end of the 17th century. While the vihuela evolving into a wide range of guitars for centuries until it became a classical guitar used at this time.
The authenticity of the guitar can not be seen from antiquity. Some experts feel this tool comes from the African continent, where many modern replicas in a round shape like a box of shells with Gut / silk yarn, in many areas of the continent. Other experts find this tool in the form of glass in an old stone relief relief at the time of Ancient Central Asia and Asia. Materials other thoughts also arise with the discovery of ancient Greek vases patterned vase. Greek Strings is the first tool that may be categorized as a guitar. Modern guitars likely stems from the Spanish guitar, but different types of guitars as instruments instruments we can see the portraits and paintings in Medieval times there is lots Renaiassance throughout Europe

Here is the place where the historic discovery of the guitar from Medieval times until the 20th century, based on the history and development.
1265 Juan Gil of Zamora declared the guitar starts early history of "Ars Musica".
1283 -1350 Guitar Guitarra Latina and Moresca contained in the poem "Archpriest of Hita".
1306 A guitar player playing at a religious place (The Feast of Westminister) in the UK.
1487 Johannes Tinctoris found the instrument invented by the Catalans.
1546 Alonso Mudarra create a composite "Tres Libros de Musica en Cifras The vihuela" that involves a guitar in it.
1551 - 1555 Nine tablatur guitar books published by Adrian Le Roy.
1600 - 1650 Various types tablatur for guitar published. Its popularity began to rival the lute (a type of guitar as well).
1674 book "guitarre Royal" which was published by F. Corbetta which raise the popularity of the guitar. This book is dedicated to King Louis XIV.
1770 - 1800 to 6 strings on the guitar and it all added to Single String.
1800 - 1850 experienced their most popular guitar in terms of appearance and publications. Fernando Sor, Mauro Guiliani, Matteo Carcassi and Dioniso Aguado was the famous composer who writes, teaches and publishes their composition.
1850 - 1892 A Manual Torres guitar manufacturers to develop a generation that we know today.
1916 Segovia concert in Ateneo, which is the most famous concert hall in Madrid at the time. Formerly known instrument can not be displayed at this big event.
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