1. Prepare the CD-W72. When booting the beginning we had to go into the BIOS to boot first make sure it is correct, by press F2 or Del key on the keyboard.
Picture: BIOS 13. Set the boot pioritas. Select the Boot »Boot Device piority» 1st Boot Device its change to CD / DVDROM. Then SAVE (F10).
Picture: BIOS 2 1
Picture: Booting early Windows 1
4. Change Time and currency format into Idonesia then click Next.
Picture: install Windows 15. Click the Install Now
Picture: install Windows 26. Select the Install Windows Wanted, here I am using Windows 7 Ultimate x86, then click Next.
Picture: install Windows 37. √ Tick the I accept the license terms »Next.
Picture: install Windows 4
8. Then select the Custom (advanced).
Picture: install Windows 59. Next we will create a partition HDD (hard drive), for which it has been partitioned HDD then we simply remove the 2 partitions only, namely:name Total SizeDisk 0 partion 1: System ReserveDisk 0 partion 2 100.0 MB> 30 GB
To delete an existing partition or divide click Drive options (advanced).
Picture: install Windows 6
Picture: install Windows 7Capacity as tired as we make click Apply. Here is a picture after being divided into several partitions.
Picture: install Windows 810. Click the partition to store windows that we install. Then click Next.
Picture: install Windows 911. Here is the Windows installation process.
Picture: install Windows 10Wait until the process slesai the laptop / PC will restart.Sehinggah appear the following picture:
12. Furthermore, we write down the name of the computer matches the name we want. Click Next.
13. In Set a password for your account we are clear, just click Next.
14. Product Key we empty it too, just click Next. In the "Help Protect your Computer and Improve Windows Automatically", we choose "Ask me later"
15. Next consider the Time Zone is as the following picture or not,
If so, just right click on Next.
16. Completed.
17. The result will appear as follows:
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