
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Analyze Imagery in Poetry Joyce Kilmer " TREES "

Analyze Imagery in Poetry Joyce Kilmer

This Material Is made to Complete Assignment of Poetry
Thought By:Munawir Hadi Wijaya, M.Pd. S.Pd
Silfarius Sijabat
NPM: 2101000320186
English B’10



1.2 Background
          Literature is a human creation that has a unique characteristic because the poet has the right to be anything in his work. Literature is a creative activity produced by an artist in a fundamental form of work, be it in the form of prose, drama and poetry so that the audience or pengapresiasi able to distinguish the type and karekteristrik work itself.
          Poetry is an expression of inner experience (soul) poet of human life, nature, and God through the medium of an aesthetic language that is coherent and intact solidified his words, in text form called poetry. Life issues presented in the poem the poet certainly be just a reflection of reality (interpretation of life, sympathy for humanity, musings about the nature of human suffering and about) but also tended to express a meditation metaphysical poets of the world, new ideas or something that has not been imagined and occurred to the reader, so that the poem is often considered to contain a mystery.

1.2 Problem Formulation In The Study
          Poetry as a literary work of art can be studied from various aspects. Poetry can be studied structure and its elements, given that the poem is a structure composed of a variety of elements and means to poetic. It can also be studied poetry types or varieties-manifold, given that there are diverse-range of poetry. Likewise, the poem can be assessed from the point to its history, given that throughout its history, from time to time, poetry has always written and always read the (Riffaterre, 1987: 3)​​. Throughout the ages of poetry are always subject to change, progress. According to (Riffaterre, 1987: 3)​​. Explained that it is given essentially as a work of art has always been a tension between convention and renewal (innovation). Poetry is always changing sesuaibdengan evolution and changes in the concept of aesthetic tastes (Riffaterre, 1987: 3)​​.
          Even so, people will not be able to fully understand the poem without knowing and realizing that the poem aesthetically significant works, which have meaning, not just something that is empty of meaning, imajanasi which is a picture-image in mind, or a picture of the poet's imagination. Therefore, before the assessment of other aspects, speakers analyze or examine the imagery of poetry entitled "Analyze imagery in poetry Joyce Kilmer
". Because of his work, Joyce Kilmer
very attentive to his words with strong imajinya, making speakers interested to analyze. Hopefully what speakers convey can benefit us all.
a. How understanding imagery poem by Joyce Kilmer?
b. How did the types of imagery poem by Joyce Kilmer?
c. How is the analysis of images in a poem by Joyce Kilmer?

1.3 The Purpose Of Research
          The purpose of this study many readers will not be able to fully understand the poem without knowing and realizing that the poem aesthetically significant works, which have meaning, not just something that is empty of meaning, imajanasi which is a picture-image in mind, or a picture of the poet's imagination . Therefore, before the assessment of other aspects, speakers analyze or examine the imagery of poetry entitled "Analyze imagery in poetry Joyce Kilmer ". Because of his work, Joyce Kilmer very attentive to his words with strong imajinya, making speakers interested to analyze. Hopefully what speakers convey can benefit us all.
a. Describe the meaning of images.
b. Describe the types of images poetry.
c. Describe the analysis of images in the poem by Joyce Kilmer.

1.4 Significance Of Research
Researchers hope that it will be useful to:
a. Poetry
          The poem expresses the thoughts that evoke a feeling, which stimulates the imagination of the five senses in a rhythmic composition. All of that is something that is important, which was recorded and expressed, expressed interest and gave the impression. The poem is a record of human experience and interpretation are important, composed in the form of the most memorable (Pradopo, 1987: 7).

          Imagery or fantasy images. In the poem, to give a clear picture, to give rise to a special atmosphere, to make (more) life picture in mind and sensing as well as to attract attention, the poet also uses dream imagery (mind), in addition to the other poetic devices to . The images in the poem is called wishful imagery (imagery) (Riffaterre, 1987: 3)​​.
          According to the Riffaterra Coombes (1987: 3) argues that in the hands of a great poet, it is fresh and lively images, the peak of its beauty to intensify, clarify, enrich: an image that successfully help people feel the author's experience of the object and the situation he , give a precise, vivid, powerful, economical, and soon we could feel and close to our own lives.
          With that one must understand the meaning of words, which in this connection should also be given an experience of sense objects mentioned or described, or imaginatively construct a kind of experience outside of things related to that words be taken seriously really means to us. Images are usually more recalls than making a new impression of the mind, so that the reader is involved in the creation of poetic (Altenbernd, 1987: 80).

1.5 Definition of key terms
          In (Riffaterre, 1987: 3) ​​described the images thought it was different, generated by the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. Even created by thought and movement. Below are the types of images or images which are as follows:
a. Image Vision (visual imagery)
b. Image of Hearing (auditory imagery)
c. Tactile Image (tactile imagery)
d. image Motion
e. image feelings


          This chapter will discuss about literary of poem and the elements that will be analyzed by the writer. The first is definition of literature itself to make clear the importance of literary work in studying a language. The second is the definition of poem as the subject of study. The third is definition about figurative language and the types of it. And the last is about Helen Hoyt  life and his background.

2.1 Literature
The subject matter of literature is something very general such as “human life”. Literature used to express the human life. This statement implies that literatures deal with human activity or experience. Literature is a vital record of what men have seen in life, what they have experienced of it, what they have thought and felt about those aspects, which have the most immediate and enduring interest for all of us. It is thus fundamentally an expression of life through the medium of language (Hudson, 1960:10). So the subject matter of literature is something is general, such as human life. This is explaining how close literature is, in our daily life.
Through literature, especially poetry, people use to express what they have been through in life or what their idea about future. We will understand some communities based on their record of common literature. This will help us to make a bridge and have contact with people from different background.
The function of literature in education such as :
1.     As stimulate means in a language acquisition
2.     As a media to understanding culture
3.     As a media to motivate the student in absorbing the language expression
4.     As a means of interpretative ability development
5.     As a means of education to become a person as a hole
6.     As a means in developing student’s imagination
7.     As a means to stimulate the student in describing their experiences
8.     As a means to help the students developing their intelligent in learning language
9.     As a means in arising the student awareness the value in society
10.          As a media to stimulate the students gaining tha language skills.
From the text above we will considered to be agree that to read and understand literature means to know and understand the author’s social, cultural, and intellectual background.
2.1 Poetry
          There are many definitions about poetry that includes people’s life, and aesthetics value of someone life. But there is no satisfactory definition seems to be appears. Burton (1974:234) classified the theory of poetry into two main categories: the Hedonistic Theory and Didactic Theory. Based on the hedonistic theory those belong to former school of thought believe that the objective of poetry is merely to give pleasure. While according to the didactic theory which belong to those who the own to the latter consider that poetry should teach besides giving pleasure.
Soft elements of poetry such as :
1.     Title : the name used for books, chapter in books, headlines, etc. they identify of the mirror.
2.     Theme : major issue or main idea that author need to convey.
3.     Atmosphere : general tone and mood.
4.     Point of view :from what angle the author views his subject.
5.     Diction : the use of words in poetry. It includes denotation, connotation and alliteration.
6.     Message: mandate that delivered by the author to the reader through the words that implied in the poem.
7.     Figurative language : the language that used to create certain effect in use the figure of speech   that created to give the impression to the audience or the speaker imagination.
Poetry which is deal with the deeper and secret working of human emotion only appears if the person recalls what they feel. Poetry is truth and fiction also truth, means what it’s describe is the paint of the human soul truly and the fiction give a true picture of life. Poetry is feeling confessing itself to itself, in moments of solitude and embodying itself in symbols which are the nearest possible representation of the feeling in the exact shape in which it exists in the poet’s mind. All poetry is of the native of soliloquy, means poetry is the natural fruit of solitude and meditation. Science and poetry goes together


          This chapter provides an overview and discussion of the research methodology used in this study will examine the images in Joyce Kilmer.


I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree.

A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;

A tree that looks at God all day,
And lifts her leafy arms to pray;

A tree that may in summer wear
A nest of robins in her hair;

Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.

Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree.

                                                  By : Joyce Kilmer

a. Image Vision (visual imagery)
          Visual image is the most frequently used by the poet than the other images. Visual imagery provide stimulation to the senses of sight, so often things do not look so as if seen.

The poet feels amaze. It can be seen from line:
          I think that I shall never see
          A poem lovely as a tree

          Aku kira aku tak akan pernah melihat
          Sebait puisi indah seperti pohon

          The poet wants to show her feeling through this poem. It is melancholy.
          This is the proof.

b. Image of Hearing (auditory imagery)
          Image listeners that the images generated by the mention or describe the sound of a voice (Altenbernd in (Riffaterre, 1987: 3)​​. Auditory images are images generated by mention or describe the sound of the voice, image-related hearing. Impressions and images obtained through the sense of hearing (ears). For example seagulls singing, voice rumbling in the dark.
General Literary Analyzing
          In this context, we are going to analyze a poem with figurative language. With this way, we can find many messages from the TREES poem. We are trying to mention kinds of figurative language that includes in this poem.

Ø Simile
          A simile compares two things using the words “like” and “as”.
Ø A poem lovely as a tree.
          The poet wants to know the reader that a tree is more beautiful than anything. As beautiful as poem.
Ø Poems are made by fools like me,
          Fools here means unperfect human.

c. Tactile Image (tactile imagery)
          Palpability images are images that can be perceived by the sense of touch (skin). At the time of reading or listening to poetry array-array, we can find a diction that can be felt skin, eg cold, hot, soft, rough, and so on.
This can really affect the way the reader imagines things.
Ø A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
          Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
Ø A tree that looks at God all day,
          And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
Ø A tree that may in summer wear
          A nest of robins in her hair;
Ø Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
          Who intimately lives with rain.

d. image Motion
          Motion imagery, the imagery is concrete does not move, but in the abstract object is moving.
Ø A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
          Against the sweet earth's flowing breast;
Ø A tree that looks at God all day,
          And lifts her leafy arms to pray;
Ø A tree that may in summer wear
          A nest of robins in her hair;
Ø Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
          Who intimately lives with rain.

e. image feelings
          Images of feeling, ie images that involve the heart (feelings). This image helps us in living up to an object or event that involves feelings,Atmosphere,Mood,Tone
          The poet feels amaze. It can be seen from line:
          I think that I shall never see
          A poem lovely as a tree
          Aku kira aku tak akan pernah melihat
          Sebait puisi indah seperti pohon
          The poet wants to show her feeling through this poem. It is melancholy.
          This is the proof.
          A tree that may in summer wear
          A nest of robins in her hair;
          Upon whose bosom snow has lain;
Who intimately lives with rain.
          Meaning: The poet uses several different images to paint his word-picture of a tree: reaching its green branches toward the sky in the spring, holding birds’ nest in its branches in the summer, standing covered with snow or all alone in the rain in other season.


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