
Wednesday, January 16, 2013


          There are many definitions about poetry that includes people’s life, and aesthetics value of someone life. But there is no satisfactory definition seems to be appears. Burton (1974:234) classified the theory of poetry into two main categories: the Hedonistic Theory and Didactic Theory. Based on the hedonistic theory those belong to former school of thought believe that the objective of poetry is merely to give pleasure. While according to the didactic theory which belong to those who the own to the latter consider that poetry should teach besides giving pleasure.
Soft elements of poetry such as :
1.     Title : the name used for books, chapter in books, headlines, etc. they identify of the mirror.
2.     Theme : major issue or main idea that author need to convey.
3.     Atmosphere : general tone and mood.
4.     Point of view :from what angle the author views his subject.
5.     Diction : the use of words in poetry. It includes denotation, connotation and alliteration.
6.     Message: mandate that delivered by the author to the reader through the words that implied in the poem.
7.     Figurative language : the language that used to create certain effect in use the figure of speech   that created to give the impression to the audience or the speaker imagination.
Poetry which is deal with the deeper and secret working of human emotion only appears if the person recalls what they feel. Poetry is truth and fiction also truth, means what it’s describe is the paint of the human soul truly and the fiction give a true picture of life. Poetry is feeling confessing itself to itself, in moments of solitude and embodying itself in symbols which are the nearest possible representation of the feeling in the exact shape in which it exists in the poet’s mind. All poetry is of the native of soliloquy, means poetry is the natural fruit of solitude and meditation. Science and poetry goes together


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